Onam is a Festival Celebrating in Kerala a state in India. In India the states are mainly divided according to Languages and culture. KERALA belong to a southern state where the Language is Malayalam. Kerala there is 13 districts and 3 main religions (Hindus, Christians, Muslims). The kerala districts has lot of variations in their culture as for northern side theyam and related festivals are important and sorthern part Pooram temple festival is more celebrated.Since in India the states are divided according to Languages in the Kerala the main Language is Malayalam. So the keralites are normally known as Malayalees and as in modern eworld as Mallu. In India we can see lots of states names are evolved from their language like Tamilnadu (the place of Tamil) from the language Tamil, Karnataka (Kannada Language), Gujarath (Gujarathi Language) etc etc. But the Kerala name has been evolved from keram the Malayalam word for coconut. As the name suggests the dominant agricultural activity is growing coconut tree. Now there are lot of other agricultural activity also like Rubber tree, vanilla, tea, coffee etc. But wherever you go you will be able to see Coconut tress (thengu in Malayalam). Kerala is Very beautiful place and it has got a good position on Indian tourism Map. Kerala Backwaters and houseboats are very attraction for the visitors.
Onam the Religious story:
Onam History Manly related to Hindu Religion, But now the Festival has become State Festival and all religions celebrate it. Malayalees believe that once upon a time the king Mahabali was ruled Kerala. Mahabali was the grand son of Prahaladha who was one of the greatest devotee of lord Vishnu. His Fathe hiranyakshipe was against God and He claimed he is ultimated god and every body should worship him. Prahaladha the only son of the king Hiranyashibu defied his father and told him that lord Vishnu stays in even in pillars and rust. An angry hiranyakashibu cut the pillar saying let me see your Vishnu inside the pillar. And Vishnu emerged from pillar as in the form of Narashimham (half Man-half lion form). Vishun is taken Narashimham form as Hiranyakashibu got a blessing early from Lord Shiva that no man or no animal will be able to kill him.
Mahabali was grown on the laps of his grandfather prahaladha and became very religious and devotee to Lord Vishnu. Subsequently he has become the ruler of their kingdom which keralites believe is Kerala. When Mahabali ruled over Kerala it was said as the Golden time in Kerala history. No body ever starved and there was no beggar in the streets. There was no fake measurements or no body used to lye. As the Mahabali name Spread his power as king as well as his spiritual power as good person started growing up. By this Lord Indra who is the king of Heaven got afraid and He thought His Position as King of heaven will Loose to mahabali who looks more eligible for that position. So he consulted the sage naradha and prayed to Lord Vishnu to save his position.
Vishnu takes Vamana avatar
As Vishnu was very pleased with his devotee Mahabali, and he knows that Mahabalies earthy days are over, he accepted Indras request. He promised Indra that he will do the needful. As Lord Vishnu want to bless Mahabali as well as end his earthy days as it is almost completed. He also knows that Mahabali got selfpride of himself since he believe his the best king in the world and he is always having blessings of Lord Vishnu. If he dies in this state his self-pride will stop him to attain the eternal position after his death. So he is taken the form of small brahmin boy (called vamana avatar) and visits Mahabali. Mahabali as usual too proud of himself asks the boy what you want. The boy replied him Oh King I just needed 3 feet of land to sit and pray. Mahabali offered him more land but boy stayed with his request of 3 feet land. And Mahabali granted him and asked him to measure the three feet of land himself.
Once Mahabali agreed for his request Vamana(Lord Vishnu) grown himself to the Universal form. And with One foot he measured all earth, and with second foot he measured Heaven, and sky. Then he tolled to the Mahabali there is no land left to keep his third foot. Mahabali who recognized that vamana is none other than Lord Vishnu and he was so much ashamed of himself about his self-pride as he can not full fill one boys request for3 feet of land. He understood that lord Vishnu has emerged himself to kill his self-pride and to purify him. So he humbly asked the Lord to keep his 3rd foot on his head. Pleased with his obedience Lord Vishnu granted him the rule of Pathalam (The world under earth) and Promised him the King of heaven after the Indras Period. He also granted him a day in a year where he can return to Kerala to visit his people which is onam. And he pressed Mahabali to pathalam (world under earth). Even thought Kerala has become poor afterwards the Malayalees will some how celebrate Onam with flowers, and with lot of food on Onam so that their beloved king will think that Kerala is still prosperous like the days he ruled the country. Now a days Onam is celebrated along with leopard dance all over kerala where people will dress up like leopard and dance in front of a leopard hunder who dressed up as leopard hunder with gun and Boat races all over kerala.
Lot of question we ask is why Lord Vishnu send Mahabali to Pathalam (The world below earth) even though he is good.
1. Every person has a limited number of earthy days and Mahabali finished it. So instead of Dying He got a chance to rule another world.
2. He has got chance to keep his head under Lord Vishnu's holy feet and thus he purified to utmost level a man can be achieved. His all sins which might have acted as obstacle in his way to eternity has been cleared. We must read this along with how the cross has been used to kill thousand of people is purified just because they crucified the Jesus (Son of God) on cross.
3. Because of this incident He has got the position King of heaven (after Indras Period) which indra was trying to deny him.
4. He may be the only person in any history where god has begged something from (3 feet of Land). We all beg and pray to god for blessing and Prosperity. He is still remembered by his People even after thousand of years where as other kings has Been Forgotten
Onam Celebrations:
Malayalees Celebrate Onam by putting pookalam (Arts by flowers) in front of Their house. It will start 10 days before the Onam and Onam falls on 10th day of Pookalam. On onam (called as thiruonam ) day Pookkalam will be the biggest one. Onam days Normally will Traditional vegetarian Dishes with Rice, sambar, avial, upperi, Pappadam and Payasam. Lot of special dishes like Varuthepperi, Pickle etc will be there. Non Kerala Malayalees celebrate on Onam in their house. Malayalee association in non Kerala celebrate Onam on nearest Sunday, Saturday or holidays of the country they live. In Kerala Onam is Celebrated By Boat race and other activity
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