As science has expand its field, it is benefiting us by providing many conveniences in our day to day life. In today’s fast and progressive life many electronic items have come up among which we use some of them in our daily routine. Business person, students, people working in offices and even people need computers regularly and it has become a must.
Computers are no longer a luxury, but a necessity. So many things can be done on a computer like storing important file and document, it can also play our favorite music, we can watch movies, shopping online also you can do business online. It has made chatting also with our friends and relatives very easy at anytime anyplace in the world and in many more ways. As it is so helpful like a honest friend ever ready to help us out so don’t you think it is our duty also to take preventive measures and maintenance steps to increase the life of our computers.
Here are some reasons why computer failures occur
- high temperature
- build up of dust
- corrosion
- disturbance by noise
- magnetic fields
How to prevent the effect of heat:
- Try to keep the cooling vents neat and clean.
- If intermittent failure occurs reset the socketed chips.
- See that your computer is dust free both from inside and outside.
- Preventive and maintenance measures to be taken regularly.
- It is better to install an external cooling fan if the system operation becomes intermittent.
How can you preserve your pc from collecting dust?
- Do not smoke near your pc
- Do not eat foods which has crumbs near pc
- To avoid static keep your monitor clean
- It is better to use dust cover.
- If not needed keep windows close.
- Don’t use liquids on any pc equipment.
- Clean the system and its area weekly.
How to prevent noise interference:
- Do not use high power equipment.
- Improved wirings (covering of wires)
- Filtering
- Proper grounding
How can you prevent power line problems:
- Filters
- Regulators
- Use of isolators
- Use Backup UPS (uninterupted power supply)
How can you prevent corrosion?
It is better to reset the chips with proper intervals.
Use contact cleaner on contacts on motherboard and expansions, rubber eraser and emery cloth.
So, don’t you think by using these simple steps you can do trouble free computing and also do lot of saving in your time and money.
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