Dear student friends you people may be of different types. I know many of you, no all of you are so brilliant students.Yet there may be some problems regarding your studies Let's discuss it here.Many of you may be working hard and getting good marks and some of you may not be working hard but still manages to get high marks in exams,Others may be wondering how it happens?.And also there will be a few of you study well but still not able to score well in exams.Don't worry there are some very simple tips by following which you can become master. These tips will tell you 'How to prepare for Exams in Short time', 'How to prepare for a high school exam' as well as a competitive exam and even you can prepare for exams in a week just by following these tips. It will be even better if you follow this for a long period of time.
Study skills tutor
Actually there are no short cut to success this is the first thing you should remember. For this reason you have to study well first of all. But the preparations are different for different types of exams. Some competitive exams need long term preparation while your school level exam may needpreparation of one or two weeks.
The 1st tip : Never fear or hate exam and be confident.
Some students study well but still may be much afraid of exams and due to this reason they get distracted and won't be able to score marks.So leave all ur fears and freeyour mind before starting the study. You have to be confident and it is a great power that will lead you to victory.
The 2nd tip: Prepare a good time table.
Prepare a time table before starting the study. This should include all the subjects but may not be with equal priority. Tough subjects can be given more time and easier ones less but most importantly there should be time for entertainment and also sufficient intervals between subjects.
The 3rd tip: Select a proper atmosphere for studying.
No need to explain this point. Study atmosphere has very important role. Can anyone study well while watching TV? So select a place where you feel comfortable. That is where you feel relaxed. And importantly it is better to study early morning when all the surroundings will be in silence and you can concentrate more. Your concentration really counts. And one 'secret' if you study facing East, you can improve your marks upto 15%!!!!.
The 4th tip : Sit well
This is so important that you have to sit in proper manner while studying. Don't study on bed or lying on a chair instead sit straight. Keep your spinal code straight. And it is better if you place your legs a little bit raised from ground. Because direct contact with earth cause ionisation which may induce sleep. But beware that legs are not above your head level. Because it will affect proper blood flow and also causes sleep. It is better to place the legs almost parallel to ground but a little lower.
The 5th tip : Make notes while studying.
This is a very important point. While studying make small notes and that should not be descriptive make theme brief so that you can remember all points while doing revision with the help of that note.
The 6th tip: Sleep well and Eat well.
You have to sleep well.Sleep deprivation study shows that Optimum hrs for sleep is 6hrs. Especially on the night before exam you have to sleep well. Remember this will have a great effect on your exam so sleep well. And have your food as your routine. Don't fast on exam day. This will have reverse affect, so please have food properly.And don't forget to have a glass water before you go to bed, a small trick to keep your brain cells charged!!!
The 7th tip : Present well.
The presentation is a major factor that affects your marks. The teachers may not be able to read all what you have written. They will scan for points. So try to present answers in points. And also underline the important points. Your hand writing may not be good enough no problem if you presented it in god manner you can score more marks.
The 8th tip: Never malpractise in exam hall.
Dear students never malpractise in exam hall as it may even affect your future. If you don't know answer don't write no problem if you have followed the above steps no problem if one goes still you can score good marks.
The 9th tip: Believe in God, Believe in you.
The last but not the least point pray well before the exam and your mind should be free at least 5 minutes before exam. Pray can give immense energy and peace to your mind that will definitely do good for you.And it is much important that you are confident about what you can and will always produce pleasant result.
Also remember one thing please don't discuss soon after exams.This won't do good and may affect your coming exams.If your friends are discussing question paper avoid them and come to house soon.
And above all you think about your parents their difficulties and sufferings and how they care you , you owe to them much, don't you?. The best gift you can give them is your victory. So never dissappoint your parents. Study is not for them they are compelling you to study for your future. And ultimately what I have to say is that You have a lot of opportunities now.If you are serious in your studies for a few years of your life then the remaining part of your life will be fruitful and you people shall never stop study after getting a degree or a small job always look for higher studies and aims big hurdles like CAT, GRE, IAS etc.So think your self and try your best.
Parenting tips
Dear Parents I know how much you are concerned about your child's studies. But you also have to take some preparations.You can be your children's guide.So please do the following tips.
1: Often Visit your child's school and his/ her teachers and get feedbacks about your child.
2: Speak openly to your child so that he/she feels that they are safe to share any of their problems with you and thus keep a good understanding relation with your child. Don't blame them if they got low mark else give them confidence and gave them the feeling that you are always with them. This will increase their confidence.
3: Sit with your child and help them in their studies whenever you get time.And also help them in making a good time table.
4.Speak with them and try to make them aware about the imporatance of study and make them aware that you are caring their studies
5. Allow them also to play watch television etc. and if possible make them participate in some extra carricular activities. This will have a long term effect in your child's personality development.Remember a sound mind in a sound body so allow them to play well.
6.Be care full in the food items that you are giving them on exam days. Don't give them food items such as potato or tapioca on the day of exams and also food items with much chilly in it are not desirable.Try to avoid fried items which may contain fatty acid. Instead giving Curd, milk , honey, chocolate having cocco with in it etc may do good. Also show cares in their sleep also allow them to sleep 6hrs.
7. While going to exam wish them and send them happily. Don't make them unhappy on exam day.
Some students may be suffering from over sleepness, deppression etc. Some of they need medical treatment take them to clinic. for example if over sleepness is there the haemoglobin level in blood may be low so check it and cure it. For deppression you may meet a counsellor. Parents have to be extra care full in these cases.
If you followed all this steps and write exam without fear and with prayer your success is a must, because you all are so brilliant students.
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